
Danielle Sierra is a New York City-based teacher who believes in empowering the next generation to use their intelligence to restructure the injustices in the world, while at the same time using innovative strategies to enhance the environment around them.

Please consider donating to Danielle's class for learning supplies by going here: https://bit.ly/2QtiMQT

Danielle has created (and has oftentimes rewritten) curriculums to be more inclusive to students and to teach the parts of history that are often neglected or ignored. She truly believes in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s philosophy on “the dangers of the single story” and strives to provide multiple voices and narratives in all lesson plans. Her mission is to teach the interests and the passions of her class, allowing them to play up their own strengths and allowing them to become more engaged in the lesson material.

What Danielle loves most about teaching is collaborating, curiosity, and joy learning can bring. Before she was a teacher, Danielle was a veteran actor and theater teacher. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from New York University and spent her post-graduate career developing new plays across the country, as well as creating courses in theater, playwriting, and music for elementary students.

She finds these experiences to be an asset in her current teaching career due to her ability to be flexible with lesson plans (when it needed) and to develop relationships with her students based on empathy. Building a strong community requires respect for all student identities. To aid with this process, Danielle created student-led morning meetings that allow students to teach each other about their values and cultures. To learn more about and ask questions, join us on We eXceL Daily!


Laarni San Juan


Rob Bosquez